The Bust Out the Cancer Benefit Comedy show started in 2020 when comedian Matt Heath put together a benefit comedy show on behalf of his comedian friend Jon James, who was diagnosed with 2 cancers at the same time. All proceeds from the event went towards helping Jon in his fight. Since Jon is a huge fan of the Ghostbusters franchise and since the show was close to Halloween Matt came up with the fantastic idea to have the comedians dress up as characters from the film.
Every October the Bust Out the Cancer Benefit Comedy Show returns to raise money to fight cancer
This year all donations raised will be donated to The Sunshine Kids.
The Sunshine Kids is a non-profit organization dedicated to children with cancer. Established in 1982, they are committed to providing positive group activities and emotional support for young cancer patients. The Sunshine Kids provides a variety of programs and events, free of charge, for Kids who are receiving cancer treatments in hospitals across North America.
Come support a good cause, win some raffles and laugh the night away with some of your favorite Ghostbustin’ local comedians!